Preparing final assignment for the e’ship course

Dear Diary,

we had the last lecture for the course on entrepreneurship on Monday. Looking back, I should have dropped this course after the second lecture. But now, I feel like I have invested so much time (7 lectures á 3 hours) that I might as well complete the final assignment to get credit for the course. (I am pretty sure this is exactly what the sunk cost fallacy is – in other words: I kind of know that this is a stupid way to think about it.)

To get credit, I’ll have to write a 4,000 word paper on one of the topics discussed during the course. The text should be based on the discussed literature and be a case study of an entrepreneur that we interview. I picked the topic “networks” and joined forces with a guy from the course. He’s great and we get along perfectly. We both just want to pass the course with as little effort as possible and have zero ambition. A good match. On top of writing the paper, we’ll have to give a 5-6 minute presentation on Monday. Which is just as stupid as it sounds. There’s no real deadline for the paper but we’ll have to do some work to have something for the presentation, of course.

As an interviewee, I asked my buddy JM. He graciously agreed and so today, my partner and I met at about 15:00 to prepare the interview and then talked to JM for about 45 minutes, asking him all the things we prepared (and some more). Then we make a quick skeleton for the presentation. I’ll finish it up on Saturday and then we’ll meet 15 minutes before the presentation on Monday to go over it and then just wing it. As I said: minimal effort.

But the interview was great and JM give us some great info. We could actually write a pretty interesting case study about this if we’d spend the time reading up on the material etc. Almost a shame that we won’t.

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